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A | B | C DATA

It’s as easy as A-B-C! 

In ABA we call this the three term contingency.  “A” stands for Antecedent, or what happened BEFORE a behavior occurred. “B” is for behavior, or what exactly happened. “C” is for consequence or what happens right AFTER the behavior occurred.




ABC data collection is utilized by practitioners and caregivers.  It is important to collect this data as soon as it occurs for accuracy of the event.  Once we have all three data informations we are able to work on interventions to either increase or decrease the behavior.


Utilizing the ABC data ABA providers are able to determine the function of a behavior. In other words, why did the behavior occur? Was there something in the environment that occurred that caused the behavior? What happens after the behavior occurs will determine if we can expect that behavior to continue depending on intervention.


ABC data is something that parents can utilize to track behaviors to share with their ABA providers when direct sessions are not in progress. Together, parents and providers will determine function and implement interventions to best support the client.


Enjoy this FREE ABC data sheet! Print it out, stick it on your fridge or easily accessible location so you can collect data to share with your child’s ABA provider for appropriate intervention.

ABC Template

ABC Data Sheet


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