Exploring ABA with SHS

Autism: Awareness, Acceptance, & Appreciation

Written by Jessica Swanson, CEO | Mar 30, 2023 7:05:44 PM

April we recognize autism. This month was first started as “Autism Awareness” for those with autism.



According to the CDC the prevalence of autism is 1:36. There is a great chance that you know someone that has autism and recognizing these individuals and their neurodiversity is something to bring awareness to. Just a few decades ago, not many people even knew what autism was.  Bringing awareness was essential to informing people of this diagnosis.



Recently, the month of April has transitioned to “Autism Acceptance” taking awareness to the next level.  Not only do we want people to recognize autism but also accept this neurodiversity community of amazing people despite barriers they may have.  Acceptance has been an incredible step to ensure inclusion of those that are on the autism spectrum.



I challenge this month to be viewed on the next level: Appreciation.  I have had the privilege to know hundreds of people with autism.  I am a better person for knowing these individuals and have learned something from each and every one.  From learning the history of how cartoons started, learning how language is not always a necessity to communicate, to seeing the world through a different perspective.  The autism community brings meaningful people into your life if you seek and embrace them.  



April is a big month for the autism community.  Go beyond being aware and accepting and challenge yourself to reach out to this community.  Not only will you find an appreciation for the community, you will also find out how awesome it is too!

Ways we can reach out:

  • Join your local autism community social media page and attend events as an advocate and supporter
  • Volunteer with organizations like Autism Society, United Cerebral Palsy
  • Discover podcasts like Autism Science Foundation, Autism Speaks, and Embracing Autism